Sunday Night Reading Series
by Mary Chase

Directed by
Marvin Kaplan

With Kathy Barnes, Jacque Lynn Colton, Steve Nevil, Victoria Vidal, Katie Adler, Anthony Gruppuso, Paul Denniston, Don Moss, Dianne
Travis, Jack Kutcher, Bill Sehres

Assistant to Director, Narrator: Victoria Vidal

Free Reading. No Reservations Required.

December 9th, 2012
7:00 PM



Elwood P. Dowd is an affable man who claims to have an unseen (and presumably imaginary) friend Harvey — whom Elwood describes as a six-foot, one-and-one-half-inch tall pooka resembling an anthropomorphic rabbit. Elwood introduces Harvey to everyone he meets. His social-climbing sister, Veta, increasingly finds his eccentric behavior embarrassing. She decides to have him committed to a sanitarium to spare her and her daughter Myrtle Mae from future embarrassment. When they arrive at the sanitarium, a comedy of errors ensues.

