Theatre West and 4 Letter Entertainment present
The Twilight Zone - Live On Stage!
Two classic episodes performed live on stage

“5 Characters in Search of an Exit”
“The Lonely”
(Written by Rod Serling)

Produced by 4 Letter Entertainment in association with Theatre West.

Directed by Jeff G. Rack

February 2nd thru March 10th
Friday and Saturday nights at 11pm
(Three Sunday shows at 5PM - Feb 4, 11 and 18)

Tickets: $10. Cash at the door.

CALL(323) 851-7977
Buy Tickets On Line

For More Info Go to 4 Letter Entertainment

"Twilight Zone Live is a DELIGHTFUL stage rendition of two of Serling's classic episodes. I was THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINED by the well-acted and skillfully mounted re-interpretations of these moving tales. If you're a fan of the show (and even if you're not), GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT and come see what these great stories look like in color and 3D!"

Marc Scott Zicree



"As directed by Jeff G. Rack, the episodes presented are faithful adaptations."

"In the "The Lonely", Kyle Kleefeld is a prisoner adrift on an asteroid, and he captures well the mood of the imprisoned."

"As his alien love, Alicia, Ania Spiering is eerily beautiful and robotic, a perfect choice for the role."

"Ellen Monocroussos' lights perfectly convey shifts in mood and the presence of the spacecraft."

"In Five Characters in Search of an Exit, Jason Guess is a standout as the

by Manoj Gera

"The actors performances were carried out effectively and the stage/set conveyed fully the essence of each episode."

"The desperation of the lonely inmate and companion is captured well by theperformance of Kyle Kleefeld and Ania Spiering."

"The sardonic tone that was characteristic of many of Twilight Zone’s character is captured wonderfully by Jason Guess who plays the Clown."

"The performances, to a marked extent, capture what Rod Serling tried to convey in his original series."

"It is pleasing to see that although Director Jeff G. Rack served as Narrator in a manner similar to Serling, he did not try to imitate the nonpareil presence of Rod Serling with either his voice or his appearance."




Calendar for The Twilight Zone - Live on Stage!


Feb 2

Late Night -- 11PM

Feb 3

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 4


Feb 9

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 10

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 11


Feb 16

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 17

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 18


Feb 23

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 24

Late Night - 11PM

Feb 25

No Show

March 2

Late Night - 11PM

March 3

Late Night - 11PM

March 4

No Show

March 9

Late Night - 11PM

March 10

Late Night - 11PM

March 11

No Show

4 Letter Entertainment is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide theatrical artisans the opportunity to display their creativity and individual techniques by participating in unique productions. Through the evolving work of 4 Letter Entertainment and their progressive partnerships with performing arts organizations, theatre in Los Angeles will continue to thrive and be a source of innovation and experimentation for theatrical artists and audiences alike.